Rachel Perez

a photo of maple leaves in water taken by Rachel Perez

My name is Rachel and I am an aspiring web developer. I currently have experience with JavaScript, JQuery, HTML, and CSS and am excited to expand my knowledge of these programming languages and others. I am based in the Boston area, but am willing to work remotely or relocate.

About Me

I am currently enrolled in Thinkful’s Full Stack Flex Program. I am actively developing my programming skills through this program, as well as through some independent projects. What I lack in experience, I will make up for in enthusiasm and dedication as I learn and grow on the job.

I studied linguistics at the graduate level at Yale University, and enjoy applying syntax analysis methods I learned studying human languages to my work with computer languages. I relish the process of watching a static page come to life and the satisfaction of removing that final bug from a page.

When I am not working on programming, I enjoy ice skating and dancing, though I do not necessarily do either very well. I further enjoy writing, drawing, and cooking vegan meals, which I do moderately well.

Contact Me


A Hard Day's Night

A fairly standard multiple choice quiz, A Hard Day’s Quiz uses a form element and radio buttons to present users with ten multiple choice questions on the Beatles. After selecting an answer, users receive immediate feedback on if they answered correctly. If the answer is incorrect, the correct answer is shown. Users’ score and the number of the question that they are on are shown and updated with each question. After the last question, users are presented with their final score and with a restart button that allows them to start the quiz from the beginning.

screenhot of A Hard Day's Quiz app

Technologies Used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery

Live Version

Repo Version